Reatom with eslint
Reatom with ESlint
We recommend using the @reatom/eslint-plugin
This is optional, but greatly improves the development experience.
In addition to alerting you to possible errors, it can also fill in atom names using variable names
npm i -D @reatom/eslint-plugin
You should add @reatom to plugins and specify extends or rules into your config.
"plugins": ["@reatom"],
"extends": ["plugin:@reatom/recommended"]
Example of customizing rules:
"plugins": ["@reatom"],
"rules": {
"@reatom/atom-rule": "error",
"@reatom/action-rule": "error",
"@reatom/reatom-prefix-rule": "error",
"@reatom/atom-postfix-rule": "error"
More examples you can found in @reatom/eslint-plugin package documentation